Metric-based coaching to help you perform your hardest.

Tracking performance is a great way to prevent injury

Help your athletes reach your goals and improve performance

Push workouts to athletes with seamless management

More than just a number.


Being able to speak with an athlete about their biometrics to assess performance, and places needed to improve for competition, or non-competitive events gives an athlete a sense of security and safety. You have their back, and they will perform their hardest in confidence.


Tracking Recovery

Our program is built for progress

Being able to see your growth in performance is key to feeling accomplished and know that you are hitting your goals. Our assessments are designed to track as much of you as possible. Keeping track of the important metrics to make sure you are moving up. Whether it's tracking your overall PR, or tracking blood pressure for cardiovascular health, we can create the right metric for you.


Assesing Injury Risk

see it before it happens

In the sports, there is so much at stake when it comes to staying injury free. We have long strived to optimize the physical performance of the athletes we work with, who must perform under conditions of stress, managing fatigue, overexertion, and preventing overtraining, along with sleep deprivation.


Athlete Forecast

predictive models for climber growth

With our specially programmed athlete forecast, you can plan out an athletes program, taking them step by step through each grade, catering and adapting the program as they grow stronger. Metrics we have collected allows us to get in a feasible range on how and when a climber will be at a certain climbing grade.



PR Metrics

tracking success

Setting a PR is a great accomplishment. But being able to look back at the other factors that contributed to your PR is even better when it seems like you've fallen off. We can go back to the time your PR was set, and notice changes in resting heart rate, HRV, nutrition or muscular fatigue to see what conditions you were in when you set your PR. This gives an athlete confidence to not beat them selves up when they fall off after an injury or an extended break.